Preferred DayAny DayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayPreferred TimeFirst AvailableAny TimeMorningAfternoonEveningAfter HoursPreferred PractitionerMatch Me with a PractitionerHeath ChristieJuliet WhitlockKatherine WilliamsMica BernoffMichelle McBridePatricia SmithPriya Jungic (telehealth only)Richelle DeakinRobyn KirbyRos FerryPatient Age (required)Child up to 7 years oldChild 8 to 12 years oldAdolescent 13 to 17 years oldAdult 18 to 40 years oldAdult over 40 years old Check all your fields are filled in then submit, we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Patient Age (required)Child up to 7 years oldChild 8 to 12 years oldAdolescent 13 to 17 years oldAdult 18 to 40 years oldAdult over 40 years old Check all your fields are filled in then submit, we will get back to you as soon as possible.
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