Ahead Psychology Blog

Anxiety & Emotional Eating: Breaking the Link

Anxiety & Emotional Eating: Breaking the Link

September 16, 2016Anxiety, Stress

Know the Difference between your emotional and physical hunger People with anxiety often report that they it causes them to overeat or binge eat – a case of emotional eating. Of course, this is an unhealthy coping strategy that is best avoided and can be with the right information and strategies. Overeating and binging tends … Read More

Should My Child See a Psychologist?

Should My Child See a Psychologist?

May 30, 2016Child Psychology, Children

As a parent, how do you know when it’s time to get professional help for a child or teenager who is anxious, depressed or angry beyond what you’d expect? Do you take the advice of your elderly neighbour who has raised 5 kids of her own (so she must know everything?). Do you complete multiple … Read More

Helping Children with Exam Stress

Helping Children with Exam Stress

May 10, 2016Child Psychology, Children

As children across Australia in Grades 3,5,7 and 9 sit down to start NAPLAN tests today, there may be some who are feeling a bit stressed or worried about it. Parents can play an important role in identifying exam stress in their children and helping their children to cope with this and do their best. … Read More

Workplace Bullying: Is it happening to you?

Workplace Bullying: Is it happening to you?

March 28, 2016Workplace mental health

Workplace bullying is more common than you might think, and is a major reason for people not wanting to go to work. It causes significant suffering and psychological distress for those being bullied and often leaves them feeling isolated and unsupported. Here are 4 tips to remember that can help you or someone you know being bullied at work cope better.

Know the Signs of Postnatal Depression

Know the Signs of Postnatal Depression

March 1, 2016Anxiety, Postnatal Depression

Don’t suffer in silence “I knew something was wrong but I couldn’t work it out as everything seemed fine. The birth of my first baby had gone well, but I just felt worried, overwhelmed and unhappy. I found it hard to concentrate and keep track of things like when the baby’s next feed was due. … Read More

Beat Anxiety: Avoidance & What to do About It

Beat Anxiety: Avoidance & What to do About It

February 17, 2016Anxiety, Stress

Why You Should Avoid Avoidance Have you ever put off doing something that you know you should do because you felt anxious or stressed about it? Instead have you gone and done something else that is easier like cleaning the house, or distracted yourself with a more pleasurable activity like watching TV or eating ice … Read More